It’s not often we ship something of this quality and rarity here at Comma Vintage. But sometimes we do, and Daniel was lucky enough to get a box with a Cowichan sweater inside. Oh and a t-shirt with an Otter on it. Read on to see more photos and read the letter.

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for subscribing to Comma, the Vintage Menswear Subscription Service. Here’s what you get:

Cowichan Sweater: Well, here we are: A Cowichan “Thunderbird” sweater hand-made in British Columbia. It’s rare we ship out something of this quality, but sometimes we believe we have the perfect item for a given customer, and given how much you love the outdoors and love the Pacific Northwest (and, incidentally, are an extra large) I can’t imagine it going anywhere else. So here you are: an heirloom quality piece of knitwear. Based on the tag–Aurora Borealis would have contracted with the Canadian Sweater Company, much like Filson does today–and YKK zipper, I date this to sometime in the 90s or 80s, but this same pattern is used today and was used decades before, too. (And don’t let anyone call it a “Lebowski Sweater.” That’s sold by Pendleton, and I’ve found them, and it’s frankly a quarter of what this one is.)

T-Shirt: I imagine this pales in comparison to the sweater, but hey, it’s a still a US-made single-stitch t-shirt with an Otter on it.

Some Other Things: I hope you find these fun or useful or both.  Don’t eat the gum.